THREE LIMERICK people have been honoured at an event to celebrate Ireland’s first EU citizens.
The ‘Eurobabies’ – those born on January 1, 1973, the day Ireland joined the EU – were presented with special medallions at a Celebrating EU Values event in government buildings in Dublin.
Dr Bryan Mac Donald, from Ballinacurra in Limerick City, Noel Barron from Boher, and Una Downey from Creeves were among 13 people honoured at the recent event.
The medallions that the Eurobabies were presented with symbolise their unique status as Ireland’s first European citizens.
On the occasion of the 50th anniversary of Ireland’s EU membership, the Eurobabies were presented with the new medallions to mark this significant milestone.
Speaking at the event, Limerick Eurobaby Dr Bryan Mac Donald said: “As a Eurobaby, membership of the EU has provided me and my friends with fantastic educational opportunities and supported us through our educational journey.”
“Travel and access to education throughout Europe has had a transformative effect on the lives of many of my friends and family.”
Minister for European Affairs Peter Burke expressed his appreciation for the Eurobabies’ symbolic status as the first European citizens of Ireland.
He said: “This occasion allows us to reflect on the immense progress Ireland has made within the European Union over the past 50 years.”
“The Eurobabies represent a unique generation who have witnessed Ireland’s journey as a member of the European Union since its inception.
“They have grown up with the opportunity to live, work, and study across the EU, benefiting from the freedom of movement and the diverse cultural experiences it brings.”
The event is part of the European Movement International’s Together for Europe project and was funded with support from the European Commission.