Moyross residents call for return of speed ramps

MOYROSS residents have called for the return of speed ramps that were removed near Corpus Christi Catholic School in the estate.

Aontú campaigner for the area, Dean Quinn, says he has fielded numerous calls for the return of the speed ramps, removed from the local primary school as far as the turn in towards Pineview.

“The removal of nine speed ramps in Moyross has caused a great deal of worry for residents locally, especially parents of young children and elderly people.

“Moyross can at times be the location of anti-social behaviour. These speed ramps were laid to combat excessive speeds and their removal has encouraged a return to dangerous driving we thought was finished on that stretch of road,” Mr Quinn told the Limerick Post.


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“The local community is in uproar due to the ludicrous decision to remove these vital lifesaving ramps. We’ve been told that the ramps are not going to be replaced until the works on the housing currently being built across from the school are finished. By our reckoning, up to nine ramps have been removed covering approximately 500 metres of roadway.

“There are cars racing up and down the length of the road at all hours of the day and night at excessive speeds. The noise from the cars at night is keeping locals and children up while parents are worried that their children will be knocked down. A lot of kids play around that area as it is near the Moyross Sports Fields and large green areas.

“It seems to be that the needs and concerns of the builders are being put above the safety of the community. This is totally wrong. It is a serious situation and an accident waiting to happen,” he concluded.
