Emma and Ann chat with Limerick woman, newly published author and children’s book buyer for O’Mahony’s Books, Gráinne O’Brien.
Gráinne O’Brien has been the Children’s Book Buyer at O’Mahony’s, one of the largest independent booksellers open since 1902, for the last ten years.
She’s taught creative writing workshops at 3rd level, and is the Head of Publishing at Walls of Limerick. She co-founded Silver Apples Magazine in 2014 and has gone on to publish many talented emerging writers within it. In 2018, she completed the MA in Creative Writing in UL and received an Irish Arts Council Agility Awards in both 2021 and 2022.
She is represented by Sallyanne Sweeney from MMB Creative. Her first book, “A Limerick Fairytale” was published by The O’Brien Press in Spring 2023 and debuted as a bestseller. Gráinne has spent the last decade of her life sharing her love of books and reading with children. This book is inspired by them.
Founder of Rontu Literary Services, her philosophy for feedback on writing is that it shouldn’t be coarsely critical, but rather respectful of the work that’s been presented with constructive critiques. She’s been published, and rejected, many times. Rontu grew from the ashes of her own negative experiences in the publishing world
Gráinne says that Limerick is like a “scrappy little sister” and powerful women are “her brand.” In this month’s episode she tells us about her favourite childhood books, moving from California to Bunratty in her formative years, drawing on her teens at Villiers School to write her forthcoming “verse novel”, and gives some vital guidance to other writers looking to get published. She also gives shout-outs to fellow writers, Alex Dunne, Sarah Gilmartin and Dan Mooney, and a big thanks to her O’Mahony’s colleague, Jack, for teaching her to TikTok.
Find out more about Gráinne at https://www.rontuliteraryservice.com/about
Link to buy A Limerick Fairytale children’s picture book: https://www.omahonys.ie/a-limerick-fairytale-p-10545101.html
he Limerick Lady is a grassroots movement based in Limerick, Ireland, with a focus on promoting conversation around gender, visibility, gender balance and the arts. It was founded in 2016 by award-winning (and losing) singer-songwriter Emma Langford, who hosts the podcast alongside fellow award-winning (and losing) Limerick woman, theatre-maker and musician Ann Blake.
Find the Limerick Lady Podcast on all your favourite streaming platforms.
New episodes drop once a month, on the third Thursday (or Thirdsday, if you will).
The Limerick Lady is sponsored by Ormston House and supported by The Limerick Post Newspaper.
Follow Ann Blake on Twitter at annblake78, on Instagram at annblakeplay and check out her band The Brad Pitt Light Orchestra on twitter at BPLO.
Catch her other podcasts, ‘Ann and Steve Talk Stuff’ and ‘Three Things That Matter’ #ThreethingsTM both of which are also supported by the Limerick Post Newspaper
Follow Emma on Facebook and Instagram at emmalangfordmusic and on Twitter at ELangfordmusic, and get tickets for her upcoming shows and workshops at www.emmalangfordmusic.com/tour
Follow Ann on Twitter @annblake78 and Instagram annblakeplay and her band The Brad Pitt Light Orchestra on twitter @BPLO
Follow all things Emma Langford on Facebook @emmalangfordmusic, at www.emmalangfordmusic.com and you can join her patreon at https://www.patreon.com/emmalangford
Follow all things Ormston House at www.ormstonhouse.com
Recorded with support from Ormston House Feminist Supermarket and The Limerick Post Newspaper
Support the Limerick Post at www.limerickpost.ie
This podcast goes out the third Thursday of every month.
Follow The Limerick Lady on Twitter @LkLadyHQ and on Instagram @thelimericklady
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Intro music: Demon Darling by Emma Langford
Outro music: Closed Book by Emma Langford
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