A NUMBER of awards for SVP Vincent’s shops in Limerick and the Mid West Region were presented at the SVP Vincent’s National Retail Conference held in Galway on Friday May 26.
Among the winners were Pat Begley of Vincent’s Limerick Furniture who won Volunteer of the Year in the region. Mr Begley is pictured above receiving his award from Dermot McGilloway, SVP National Retail Development Manager.
Also pictured are Suzanne McNamara O’Reilly, SVP Mid West Region Retail Manager, and Paul Ryan, Limerick Furniture manager.
Approximately 200 staff and volunteers from the St Vincent de Paul network of Vincent’s shops from around the country gathered in Galway University for the event.
Dermot McGilloway, SVP National Retail Development Manager, said that Vincent’s Charity shops are deeply committed to the circular retailing model of Reduce – Reuse – Recycle and to an energy efficient, low carbon, textile collection, and processing service.
Mr McGilloway said that by donating pre-loved items to Vincent’s or updating your wardrobe from its extensive and affordable range of garments, shoppers are helping to slow down the harmful effects of fast fashion and keep garments in circulation for longer.