HSE advises that community vaccination centres (CVCs) in Limerick and around the country will continue to offer walk-in clinics to people eligible for the current COVID-19 Spring Booster over the coming days.
Across the country many vaccination centres, GPs and pharmacies have reported an increase in demand for Spring Boosters this week. The HSE is again reminding everyone aged 70 or older and those aged 5 years or older with a weak immune system and who have not yet received their COIVD-19 Spring Booster vaccine to avail of it as soon as possible.
The COVID-19 Spring Booster programme will shortly end in mid-June and we are urging all those who are eligible to take up the opportunity to get vaccinated as early as possible to protect yourself against COVID-19. You can do this by going along to one of our walk-in vaccination clinics or getting a Spring Booster vaccine at participating pharmacies or GPs.
Eileen Whelan, National Lead, COVID-19 Vaccination Programme, HSE said: “We are reminding those who have weak immune systems or those who are immunocompromised that it’s not too late to avail of their Spring Booster vaccine. Walk-in clinics continue to be available with no appointment required making it easy for people to receive their Spring Booster vaccine.
“People’s immunity weakens over time, especially in older people. This latest booster will keep you protected from serious illness and boost your immunity against infection from COVID-19. Vaccines are proven to your best protection against serious illness from COVID-19. If you haven’t had your COVID-19 Spring booster yet, you’re at risk.”
If you are eligible, you can also get a COVID-19 Spring booster from a participating GP or pharmacy or go to a Community Vaccination Centre (CVCs).
A walk in vaccination clinic will take place at Scoil Carmel, O’Connell Avenue on Saturday 27 May, from 8.30am to 12pm and 2pm to 5pm and Tuesday 30 May from 8.30am to 4.30pm.
Clinics will also take place on Friday 2 June, 8.30am to 5pm and Saturday 3 June, 8.30am to 12pm and 2pm to 5pm.