Limerick TD denies wrongdoing over sale of Patrickswell land

Minister of State and Limerick Fianna Fáil TD Niall Collins.

LIMERICK Fianna Fáil TD and Minister of State Niall Collins has denied any wrongdoing in connection with the sale of land in Patrickswell 15 years ago. 

This comes amid allegations by news website The Ditch that the Fianna Fáil Minister was a sitting member of Limerick County Council when it voted to dispose of the land, which was later purchased by his wife.

In a statement issued last night by the Fianna Fáil Press Office, on behalf of Niall Collins, the Limerick TD said: “In September 2008 at a statutory meeting of the Limerick County Council, the sale of a property in Patrickswell was approved and sold following a transparent and open sales process, which was open to all.”

“For the record I was not a member of the Council in September 2008, having been elected as a TD in May 2007. Prior to the sale in 2008, the property was advertised in the local public press.”


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The party-issued statement adds that: “When the Council Executive recommended to the Bruff LEA committee that the property should be put up for sale in January 2007, neither I nor my wife had any pecuniary or beneficial interest in that property. There was no disagreement to the executive’s recommendation.”

Speaking in Mr Collins’ defence last night on Virgin television’s ‘Tonight’ programme, Clare Fine Gael Senator Martin Conway said: “I’ve known Niall Collins all of my political career. I find him to be a very decent person, an extremely hardworking colleague, both within the Dáil and for the people of Limerick.”

When asked by presenter Ciara Doherty whether the allocation of Dáil time was necessary for Mr Collins to answer questions on allegations made by The Ditch, Senator Conway said that: “I haven’t studied [Minister Collins’] statement in detail, but I accept Niall Collins’ word on this.”

“If it’s deemed necessary, I have no doubt Niall Collins will go before the Dáil. If it’s deemed necessary.”

People Before Profit TD Paul Murphy on Monday requested time be allowed for Minister Collins in the Dáil this week to answer questions before the chamber regarding allegations made by The Ditch.

It has yet to be confirmed if this will happen.
