Limerick council has plans afoot for Milk Market area

The Limerick Milk Market.

LIMERICK City and County Council was on unsteady ground when the executive was asked for an update on what was described as “uneven and unsafe surfaces” around the Milk Market.

And the theme was continued by Fine Gael councillor Sarah Kiely who also called for an update on improvement works in the Nicholas Street area.

Speaking at this month’s Metropolitan District meeting, the City East representative pointed out that commitments were given at a special meeting last year and no further information had emerged in the meantime.

Cllr Kiely was informed that a cross-council steering group has been established to explore various measures for enhancing Nicholas Street and creating a targeted public realm plan for the area.


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The primary objectives include activating vacant properties and bringing them back into use, delivering quick wins and capitalising on local public events.

“It is intended to schedule a number of workshops with elected members over the year to keep them abreast of project progress across all the city centre initiatives,” assistant director of Planning, Nuala O’Connell explained.

“The Active Travel Team will shortly be conducting a non-statutory public consultation on the proposed Active Travel Route next to the Milk Market, the results of which will inform future plans for the area.

“In addition, Urban Regeneration and Development funding has been secured for the development of Food Hub and Street Canopy to Cruises Street by Place Making and Public Realm in order to support retail under the Citizens Collaboration Programme.

“These projects are in initial feasibility stages and will be developed as part of a wider public realm strategy for the Milk Market area,” Ms O’Connell added.
