Children in a Limerick respite centre ‘treated like staffs’ own’

CHILDREN being cared for in a Limerick respite centre are treated as if they were the staffs’ own, a new report from heath watchdog HIQA has stated.

Inspectors who visited found that St Gabriel’s Children’s Respite Centre in Mungret was compliant or substantially compliant in all but one area, a high score by HIQA’s exacting standards.

Their report said that staff were “supportive of residents in a positive and caring way”, that children were “calm and relaxed”, and that children in the centre were treated by those working there “like their own”.

The centre provides a respite service for up to six children aged 4 to 18.


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According to the report, questionnaires were circulated before the visit.

“Four questionnaires had been completed by relatives of children who availed of this centre. Comments made in these questionnaires included ‘I am very happy with the care given’ and ‘the staff treat the children like their own and not just a work chore to be completed’,” the report read.

“Overall, such questionnaires gave positive feedback to all areas questioned, such as care and supports, general happiness, food and mealtimes, staffing, activities, and bedrooms.”

The inspection found that the accommodation for residents was of a very high standard, with individual bedrooms all ensuite and brightly decorated and hoists were provided for residents with mobility difficulties.
