West Limerick will be among coldest areas of Ireland tonight

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LIMERICK City and County Council are urging extreme caution for motorists with temperatures forecast to fall as low as -4 in parts of the county overnight.

Limerick currently remains under a Met Eireann Status Yellow Snow-Ice warning with forecasters predicting that parts of West Limerick will be the among the coldest in Ireland tonight.

The freezing temperatures follow falls of snow, sleet and rain and could result in hazardous driving conditions, particularly on higher ground and in areas of West Limerick.ย Between three and four inches of snow fell in some areas last night.

Motorists are advised to avoid unnecessary journeys with freezing conditions setting in later tonight and forecast to last until late on Friday morning.


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Winter maintenance crews from Limerick City and County Council are carrying out pre-treatment mainly on the national and regional road network.

Extra caution is advised on untreated roads and footpaths.
