Special needs pupils at risk from outdated Limerick school crossing

The unmanned crossing at Catherine McCauley School.

PARENTS and carers of children attending the Catherine McAuley special education school on Ashbourne Avenue are appealing for the council to do something to make the crossing in front of the school safe before a pupil is killed.

Liam Moloney told the Limerick Post that the existing pelican crossing is “completely out of date”.

“There are no flashing beacons, no raised area of crossing, and even the markings are so old you can barely see them,” Mr Moloney said.

There isn’t even a school ‘lollipop’ warden to alert drivers that students are crossing, he claims.


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Mr Moloney, whose son Nikita (17) attends the special needs school, said the situation is complicated by the fact that there is a crossing for Mary Immaculate College further up the road.

“There are beacons near that and drivers think that is the only crossing, so they just pick up speed after that and come roaring down the road. There’s nothing to slow them down. ”

Mr Moloney says the crossing is needed through the day, not just at school times.

“You can’t get parking at the school and children are always coming and going being brought to various appointments. I’ve had a few near misses trying to cross here. It’s very dangerous for anyone, including students and their carers.”

He says that he has contacted the council and the Garda traffic division but without result.

“The Gardaí rang me back but I’ve heard nothing from the council. We’ve been asking for some kind of measures to make this safer for a more than a year now.

“I would hate for it to take someone being killed or seriously injured for it to be made safe. That will happen unless something is done.”
