Ann & Steve Talk Stuff | Episode 58 | Migration Economics

As Stephen plans to move house, Ann and Steve reflect on the time there seemed to be too many houses and now how there are too few while looking at the influx of refugees and what that really means economically.

There was a reference to Denise Chaila’s ‘Duel Citizenship’ in the episode:

There was a reference to Jinx Lennon’s ‘Houses Everywhere’ in the episode:



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Ann Blake and Stephen Kinsella
An artist – Ann Blake – and an economist – Stephen Kinsella – walk into a podcast to discuss odd things that make the world go round.

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Musician @bplo Theatre Performer/Director/Playwright/Improviser Podcaster with
@LkLadyHQ @AnnSteveTalk and #ThreeThingsTM
Associate Professor of Economics @UL Chief Economics Writer @TheCurrency Co-Director @ImmersiveSE Hub leader @rebuildmacro
