Husband of Limerick’s national carer of the year passes away

The late Kieran O'Shea with his wife and family.

KIERAN O’SHEA, husband of the woman who received a national award for the tireless care and dedication she had shown to him, passed away peacefully on Friday.

Kieran, of Lisnagry, died at Milford Care Centre surrounded by his family. Having previously worked at Curry’s PC World at the Parkway Retail Park, he was diagnosed with frontal lobe dementia and motor neurone disease, a combination known to affect behaviour and memory.

Following his diagnosis, Mr O’Shea’s wife, Colette, took up charge in caring for the 47-year-old, for which she was acknowledged with the 2022 Netwatch Family Carer of the Year award.

She campaigned passionately for her husband and his needs, launching a public crowdfunding campaign to help adapt their family home to facilitate Kieran’s growing challenges – a call to which the people of Limerick answered and supported generously.


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Colette also received the Limerick Person of the Month award in December of last year, again for the love and dedication she had shown to Kieran and their young family.

Kieran is survived by Colette; their children Luke (11), Hayden (10), and Caoimhe (8); his mother Mary; sisters Denise and Deirdre; as well as his large extended family of aunts, uncles, nephews, and nieces.

His remains will repose at Griffin’s Funeral Home, John’s Gate, today (Monday) from 5pm before removal to St Patrick’s Church in Ahane at 6.30pm.

Requiem Mass will take place on Tuesday, January 31 at 11:30am with burial afterwards in St Joseph’s Cemetery, Castleconnell.

The late Kieran O’Shea before being diagnosed with with frontal lobe dementia and motor neurone disease.