Safety work at dangerous Limerick crossroads

Senator Paul Gavan at Nelsons Cross.

THE installation of a table top surface at Nelsons Cross in Castleconnell, which is designed to slow down traffic on the R525, follows an initiative by local residents who gathered hundreds of signatures in support of the safety measure.

Local Sinn Féin Senator Paul Gavan said that the new surface would help ensure a safer Christmas on the roads for local residents and visitors alike.

“People living close to the cross led the petition for the new surface and deserve all of the credit for persuading the council to get this work done. I was honoured to present their petition to both Limerick City and County Council and The National Transport Authority, prior to the decision of the council to secure funding for this work.”

“The crossroads has been a site of a number of accidents in recent years  and has been a cause of major concern to many. As I live just 200 meters from the junction, I am only too well aware of a number of near misses in recent years. This installation will certainly slow traffic down and represents real progress,” Senator Gavan explained.


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“This is the second phase of action regarding this dangerous junction. Late last year we managed to get an ESB pole that was obstructing line of sight moved.  Now we have the tabletop surface, which will definitely improve matters

“The final phase in securing the safety of the crossroads will be improving the line of sight from the Castleconnell side of the junction. I know the Council have been in talks regarding this aspect of the work, and I look forward to continuing to work with Council staff on this issue.”
