New online portal for Limerick jurors

Court Services chief executive Angela Denning.

PEOPLE called for jury duty in Limerick can now avail of an online portal to answer jury summonses; follow the status of their reply; and get real time updates on changes to their details.

The new online service has been piloted by the Courts Service in Kilkenny, Mayo, Tipperary, and Waterford over recent weeks and is being rolled out nationwide on a phased basis from Monday.

Courts Service chief executive Angela Denning said that around 30 per cent of people who responded to their jury summonses in the four pilot counties did so using the new, online platform.

“This is higher than other systems internationally, and very high for a pilot scheme. The feedback received from those who used the new platform has been positive,” she added.


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“The addition to our current paper-based system of a new, alternative digital platform is about offering people different options when responding to the jury summons.

“Providing user-friendly options for people to engage with our services is at the heart of the Courts Service Modernisation Programme to support access to justice in a modern, digital Ireland.

“The platform will allow for 24/7 access to those who have received a summons, providing immediate updates on any changes in times, dates or jury cancellations, and immediate electronic responses to requests for excusals by people.

“It reduces the reliance on paper-based processes, and outdated tech platforms, offering an improved customer service that is inclusive and provides for digital first solutions,” Ms Denning explained.

The new platform will be available to those being called for jury service in the Limerick area from this week, and rollout will extend to other counties on a phased basis over the coming months.

Further details here
