Limerick businesses offer discounts to help night-time economy 

FIVE Limerick businesses are offering a 30 per cent discount for goods and services today (Wednesday) as part of an initiative to stimulate the city’s night-time economy.

The discount, which was introduced in collaboration with Limerick City and County Council’s Bloomberg Project, focused on reviving footfall and patronage in the city centre, particularly around businesses in the Thomas Street/Bedford Row area.

Coqbull, Habit Coffee, Spitjack, Sambros, and Gloria Jeans Coffee are listed as the businesses participating in this first-of-its-kind event in Limerick City between 5pm and 7pm this evening as a way of encouraging the public to sample the night-time economy in the city.

The Bloomberg sponsored programme provides Limerick City and County Council staff with consulting, training, and networking skills to address key issues facing its residents. Engaging with the public is at the core of the council’s plans for building towards the future.


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Limerick City and County Council staff will also be on Thomas Street to engage with members of the public and form a general opinion of the city’s evening and night-time economy.

However an opinion is not required to avail of the 30 per cent discount.

Mayor Francis Foley says there has been growing on-street vibrancy in the city over the last number of years and opportunities like this event will allow the people of Limerick to build further on this.
