FILM COLUMN: Deadstream

Deadstream is now screening on Shudder.

‘DEADSTREAM’ is a very clever film.

Now showing on Shudder, this horror comedy is far from formulaic, and, if anything, proves to be a real canny beast that is more than capable of leaving you feeling scared while doubled over in laughter.

Directed by Joseph and Vanessa Winter, the film is a highly  sophisticated and zany romp that tips its hat along the way to classics like ‘Evil Dead 2‘ and ‘The Blair Witch Project‘.

The film follows disgraced, washed up internet personality Shawn Ruddy (Joseph Winter) who tries to win back his followers by live-streaming himself spending one night alone in a haunted house.

When he accidentally tries the patience of a vengeful spirit, Shawn’s comeback event becomes a real-time f(r)ight for his life, and social relevance, as he faces off with the sinister spirit of the house and her own powerful following.


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‘Deadstream’ proves to be a cut above even some of the more memorable horror-comedies of recent times, simply down to the fact that it works on a number of levels.

Sure, it is as goofy as hell. Lead actor Joseph Winter is an absolute hoot. His high-energy performance and quick-witted snipes alone are enough to keep us tuned into his spooky broadcast.

But there’s more. So much more.

The horror element to the film is finely tuned and leaves the viewer breathless and on the edge of their seats as they try and anticipate the next jump scare – of which there are an abundance.

The whole ‘found-footage’ genre is like a musty old hat at this stage, and left me feeling like it would be best forgotten in an airless cupboard. However, this is a real rollercoaster ride full of gross out effects, belly laughs, and some truly suspenseful, frightful moments.

It does fall a bit flat in the last ten minutes or so, but by that stage it has done more than enough to win us over and forgive any last minute fumbles.

