Man pulled postbox off wall outside Limerick army barracks

The entrance to Sarsfield Barracks on Lord Edward Street.

GARDAÍ in Limerick are seeking witnesses to a bizarre incident in which a man went to the trouble of pulling a post box off a wall to get at the contents but then left without taking anything.

According to Garda John Finnerty of Henry Street Garda Station, the man leveraged the postbox off the wall outside Sarsfield Army barracks on Lord Edward Street at 7.24pm last Thursday evening.

He quickly examined the letters and then left in a hurry towards the train station on Parnell Street but didn’t take any of the contents of the post box with him.

The only description Gardai have is that he was wearing a grey tracksuit


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Gardaí at Roxboro Road Station are leading the investigation and are asking for anyone with information to contact them on 061 214340.
