EITHNE Buckley, owner and manager of matchmaking agency twoheartsmeet, is very busy these days matching up single, separated, divorced, and widowed men and women from mid 30s to mid 70s. Eithne set up twoheartsmeet back in 2011 with the help of her partner Daniel.
It came about when she discovered there wasn’t any professional dating and matchmaking agency in the southern part of the country, she says.
She had completed courses in counselling and life coaching and was looking for a way to use her new skills and help people at the same time.
“Initially, I was thinking of becoming a life coach, especially around the area of helping people who struggled with weight management, while also helping them to develop healthy exercise habits,” Eithne says.
While she was still debating whether to leave her full-time secure office job and set up as a life coach, she changed course and decided that a matchmaking agency was the way to go.
Eithne had a few friends who were trying online dating sites at that time and they were telling her how difficult it was to meet people who wanted a committed relationship. Most of the people they met online just wanted to have one night stands or a bit of a fling, whereas her friends wanted a long term committed relationship.
Eleven and a half years later, Eithne is still matching people and loving every minute of it, she says.
It has been especially busy since the counties reopened in May 2021. She believes this is due to people not socialising as much as they did prior to the pandemic, and also because they are wary of internet dating scams. “They like the security element of joining twoheartsmeet. Everyone brings proof of ID, like a driving licence or proof of address, so that things are above board and legitimate. As a result, everyone knows it is a secure way to meet someone new,” Eithne says.
“Stop wasting your precious time and energy scrolling through online profiles of people who don’t take dating as seriously as you do. Joining twoheartsmeet makes meeting prospective partners as easy as possible. Members are genuinely looking for a committee relationship, no time wasters or casual daters are allowed into this exclusive club,” Eithne urged the dating-ready public. If you are hoping to meet a partner, check out Eithne’s website twoheartsdating.com or call her on 0857742444.