In this episode Ann and Emma chat with honorary Limerick Lady and tour de force Justyna Cwojdzińska, the artistic director of The Polish Arts Festival.
Our hosts and guest explore everything from common mythologies between Ireland and Poland, to Slavic Gymnastics, to how the never-ending discussion around “women’s rights” can ironically often deflect from the fact that those rights are, quite simply, human rights.
Justyna Cwojdzińska studied Theatre at Cultural College in Wrocław and holds an M.A in English Language and Literature from the University of Wrocław. She has been involved since 2000 in theatrical productions in Poland, and is a founder and artistic director of Polish Arts Festival.
For her work on the festival, Justyna received an Outstanding Pole Award in the Culture Category from the Polish Government (Polish Promotional Emblem Foundation TERAZ POLSKA) under the honorary patronage of the President of the Republic of Poland.
Follow Justyna on Instagram: @justynacwojdzinska and Polish Arts Festival Twitter/Instagram: @PolishArtFest FB:
Ann Blake is a musician, facilitator and theatre-maker from Limerick City. Fellow Limerick woman and co-host Emma Langford is a singer-songwriter, podcaster and maker-of-things.
Follow Ann Blake on Twitter at annblake78, on Instagram at annblakeplay and check out her band The Brad Pitt Light Orchestra on twitter at BPLO.
Catch her other podcasts, ‘Ann and Steve Talk Stuff’ and ‘Three Things That Matter’ #ThreethingsTM both of which are also supported bt the Limerick Post Newspaper
Follow Emma on Facebook and Instagram at emmalangfordmusic and on Twitter at ELangfordmusic, and get tickets for her upcoming shows and workshops at
Follow Ann on Twitter @annblake78 and Instagram annblakeplay and her band The Brad Pitt Light Orchestra on twitter @BPLO
Follow all things Emma Langford on Facebook @emmalangfordmusic, at and you can join her patreon at
Follow all things Ormston House at
Recorded with support from Ormston House Feminist Supermarket and The Limerick Post Newspaper
Support the Limerick Post at
This podcast goes out the third Thursday of every month.
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Intro music: Demon Darling by Emma Langford
Outro music: Closed Book by Emma Langford
LkLadyPod #46 Justyna Cwojdzińska: Forging Polish-Irish Friendships Through The Arts