Late date of Leaving Cert results heaping pressure on students

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LIMERICK Aontú Education Committee member Eric Nelligan is concerned that the late issuing of the Leaving Cert results on September 2 will place increased strain and pressure on students.

Mr Nelligan, a secondary school teacher and campaigner for Aontú in Limerick, points out that the first round CAO offers quickly follow on Thursday September 8.

“This is almost three weeks later than previous year,” Mr Nelligan said.

“These young students are now being put under extreme pressure to plan for their future in minimal time. Some won’t get the results they want and will have to wait for second and third round offers. Accommodation concerns will be paramount due to severe shortages for those that have to leave home. What has been in the past a smooth transition to the next phase of education will now be an anxious and worrying time,” he told the Limerick Post. 


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The Director General of Irish Universities Association, Jim Miley, previously made a call for the Leaving Cert to be taken in May.

Mr Nelligan takes the view that if this change were to occur, it would lead to a major re-orientation of the education year.

“If the Leaving Cert be moved to May, does that mean secondary school students not taking a state exam get four months off for the summer? Does it mean that the school year now will need to start in early August? Aontú do not believe this suggestion is a realistic option for a multitude of reasons,” he revealed.

The suggestion to bring the Leaving Cert to May, Mr Nelligan insists, will have multiple knock-on effects.

“The disruption will impact negatively on vast swathes of the population. It is Aontú’s contention that there is ample time between the Leaving Cert starting in June and results to be released, ideally in mid-August, for the State exam correction process to be completed,” he said.
