Dr. Pat Daly, Chief Executive of Local Authority Limerick City and County Council said: “We would like to extend our congratulations to each awardee on their success in receiving a Social Enterprise Fund Award from Rethink Ireland.
“Coming out of an extremely challenging period for Irish society, we’re delighted with this good news story for Limerick. Social enterprises have an important role to play in guiding Ireland to become a more inclusive and equal society. Organisations like Gorm Media and Health Hub are leading the charge by not only creating jobs but working towards bringing about positive social change.”
CEO of Rethink Ireland, Deirdre Mortell commented on the Awardee announcement stating: “Social enterprises are part of the social fabric of our communities as they play a key role in developing solutions to the biggest challenges we face on a daily basis. From a toy library that offers rental toys to families to reduce waste, to a therapeutic adventure group focused on tackling youth mental health difficulties, or a heart-warming community centre that is integrating and including immigrants and refugees into Irish society through support and learning opportunities, social enterprises show a deep level of care for everyone in a community across Ireland. We are so thankful to our supporting partners and are delighted to have the opportunity to support these wonderful organisations.”