Limerick networking site connects Ukrainians with employers

Limerick website designer John McKay

TWO Limerick men and a Ukrainian friend have pooled resources to set up a website to allow Irish people reach out with job offers and refugees to ask for help and support.

The just-launched is a networking site which features job offers from employers which may be of interest to Ukrainians who have arrived recently in the country.

The site also facilitates specific requests from the Ukrainian community for items such as baby equipment, accommodation, transport and other basics.

“There’s no charge for posting anything on this site. We’re doing it to provide a service that will be helpful,” John McKay, the web developer involved in the project told the Limerick Post.


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Useful links and contact information for services which newly-arrived refugees may need are also available.

The site is the brainchild of Joe Ryan of and development was by John McKay of with help from Dymtro Cherepakha, himself a Ukrainian refugee living in Limerick.

“We’re not a personals website. This is about jobs and filling needs,” John explained.

The three are working to spread awareness of the service countrywide. With the site gone live for just over a week, already there are posts from Meath and Wicklow as well as Limerick.
