Down Syndrome fundraiser puts politicians in a spin

ANYONE who thinks that politicians do nothing should have a look at events being organised by Down Syndrome Limerick this Saturday.

Local city and county councillors, businesses and personalities have committed to get on the bikes and break a sweat at fundraising  Spinathons in Newcastle West, the Milk Market in Limerick City as well as the Jetland and Crescent Shopping Centres.

And their efforts should provide a very welcome boost for the work of the Down Syndrome community of Limerick who support families and individuals with Down Syndrome throughout their life, through a range of social, education and development activities.

Gyms, schools, colleges or companies are invited to run their own Spinathons.


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For those who can’t make it to the event, donations can be made online here

To get involved or support Down Syndrome Limerick, contact Ellen Charlotte or Marie by emailing [email protected]
