BUS Éireann has been asked to reconsider a change to its local bus services which has seen Montpelier residents no longer able to get a bus to Castleconnell which is in the same parish.
A change was made during the Covid lockdown to the 345 bus route to direct it through County Clare rather than Castleconnell on its way into Limerick City.
As a result, many residents of the village are no longer able to get to Castleconnell by public transport.
Castleconnell Sinn Féin Senator Paul Gavan explained “ Montpelier belongs to the parish of Castleconnell, it’s where many residents would go to shop, meet their friends or access their local credit union.
“However since this route change, they need a car or a lift to get to their next nearest village. It’s grossly unfair, especially to those who no longer drive.
“As one resident said to me ‘What’s the use of having a free bus pass if there’s no bus to take me where I need to go?'”
“What makes this situation all the more infuriating for people in Montpelier is that the change of route was made without any consultation whatsoever.”
Senator Gavan said that he will raise the issue with Bus Eireann management.
“Along with my colleague Deputy Maurice Quinlivan, I took an afternoon to speak with a number of local residents and many of them remain very angry over this issue. The change of route has left people effectively cut off from their own parish,” he added.