THE margins will always be the most fertile ground for hip hop and 29-year old, Limerick born Traveller, Wilzee is no stranger to the space between the lines. His first full length album ‘Kuti Gris’ (Gammon for piece of the heart) dropped last week.
Willzee was raised in a settled foster home, admitting he always felt he was the odd one out and different to the rest. “I existed in the middle line of both cultures which at first was difficult, but as I grew so did my meaning and purpose” says Willzee.
The album is used by Willzee as a means to honestly express his identity as well as loss, “throughout my life, my heart has been broken multiple times from the loss of both my parents’ to siblings and friends”.
The focus track ‘On Top’ features artists Strange Boy, Hazey Haze and JaYne.
“The concept behind On Top is to inspire young musicians to keep striving for their goals, to maintain a constant rise in their output both professionally and personally and to use their experiences as superpower to help inspire others.”
He began to dream about turning everything that shaped him into something good that could help the next man or woman.
His first spoken word release in 2020 ’Dear Friend II‘ plots a different potential course for Limerick but moreover, for communities in need of care all over the world, he urges to “let the past be the past, but take it further.”
Kuti Gris by Willzee was produced by Enda Gallery and Matt Paull and is available on Welcome to the New World.