VISITING on inpatient wards in University Hospital Limerick (UHL) was reinstated as of this Wednesday.
A spokesman for the UL Hospitals Group said it is ” glad to bring to an end this period of restriction of access, which had been in place during a surge in community transmission of Covid-19.”
Scheduled visiting slots for one visitor per patient, in line with national guidance on infection prevention, must be booked through the online booking system here
Visiting hours at UHL are from 2pm to 4pm and 6pm to 9pm every day, and ward staff will assist with any queries about the booking system.
Visitors will have to wear face masks, which are available at the hospital entrance and observe hand hygiene.
Anyone who is feeling unwell is asked not to visit the hospital. Visiting restrictions remain in place for the Emergency Department, Acute Surgical Assessment Unit, and Acute Medical Assessment Unit.
The only exceptions to those restrictions are, parents visiting children in hospital, people assisting patients who are confused because of conditions such as dementia and visiting on compassionate grounds; for example, for patients who are critically unwell or at end of life.