THE Samaritans Limerick and Tipperary Branch is appealing to runners taking part in this year’s Regeneron Great Limerick Run over the Riverfest May Bank Holiday weekend to raise funds for their branch.
The Regeneron Great Limerick Run took place virtually last year because of Covid restrictions, but makes a welcome physical return to the city this year.
Samaritans offer a 24-hour freephone helpline to those suffering from anxiety, stress or feel unable to cope. Limerick and Tipperary Branch volunteers answer around 2,500 calls and emails every month, supporting thousands of people during their darkest hours.
Limerick and Tipperary Branch is staffed entirely by volunteers, with all funds raised spent on day-to-day running costs of the branch. Branch Director Catherine Slater outlined the difficulties in raising funds over the last two years.
“Covid restrictions really impacted us in terms of our usual fundraising activities. Our volunteers went to great lengths answering our helpline, some of them doing double and triple shifts to cover the phones while our vulnerable volunteers isolated. However fundraising was seriously curtailed, so we are grateful for the return of activities like the Great Limerick Run to bring in much-needed funds to ensure our callers receive the support they need,” she said.
Loneliness and isolation remains among the top reasons why people reach out for support, as well as mental health issues including anxiety and stress, financial issues, bereavement and family issues, chronic pain and illness.
Anyone who is struggling to cope is advised to reach out to a relative or friend, or call Samaritans anonymously on freephone 116123 or email [email protected].