Call for hourly bus service to Castleconnell

Limerick Sinn Féin Senator Paul Gavan

Bus Éireann has been asked to increase the frequency of its bus service to Castleconnell to ensure an hourly commuter service for the village during daytime hours.

Local Sinn Féin Senator Paul Gavan made the call in the context of the Limerick Shannon Metropolitan Area Transport Strategy (LSMATS) and the  need to persuade people to switch from cars to public transport.

“Traffic has been returning to pre-pandemic levels, and it can often take close to an hour to travel to and from Castleconnell to the city by car during peak times. However the alternative public service transport options are just not there at present”, Senator Galvan explained.

“It would be far more effective to offer additional frequency of bus services. If people had an hourly bus service, they would be much more likely to use it. A loop service linking Castleconnell to Castletroy incorporating Annacotty and the University would also make a big difference and begin to see many more people making the switch from car to bus.”


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“I would make the same case for other commuter towns like Newport, Murroe and Caherconlish. We are still awaiting publication of the new updated LSMATS which needs to far more ambitious than the first draft.

It also needs to be published, as it’s now getting on for two years since the first draft was made public. To date, we’ve had lots of talk but precious little delivery in terms of enhanced local transport option for Limerick commuters,” Senator Gavan concluded.
