Limerick journalist explores US Presidential links

Limerick journalist Lynne Kelleher with her book 'The Green and White House'.

LIMERICK journalist Lynne Kelleher explores the unique position of influence and shared history Ireland has held at the heart of power in the White House in her new book. 

‘The Green and White House’ explores the transatlantic courtship, following the family trees that secured Ireland an annual invite to the White House – something no other nation can rival.

Taking a wry look at the special relationship one tiny nation has with the world’s greatest superpower, Kelleher unravels their long-lasting links.

It covers the Limerick links to three of JFK’s grandparents and President Richard Nixon’s stay in Kilfrush House outside Hosptial when he came to visit in 1970. This insightful new book is perfect for all of those with an interest in US politics.


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