THE Run for Fun event will be taking place at the University of Limerick on April 30th.
The event is being organised by the Regeneron Great Limerick Run in conjunction with Limerick Sports Partnership and the HSE.
Parents are encouraged to run with their children in the events if they are in junior, senior infants or 1st and 2nd class. 3rd class and up will run on their own.
There will also be a wheelchair event which will be the first run on the schedule at 2:15pm.
2:15pm – Wheelchair event on track
3:00pm – Junior & Senior Infants – 1KM route
3:45pm – First, Second & Third Class – 1.5 KM route
4:30pm – Fourth, Fifth & Sixth Class – 2 km route
Training is also available to support all children and their families. These programmes are available at Training – Great Limerick Run and are also available through participating primary schools.
The entry fee for each participant is €15 with a race t-shirt, a medal and water at the finish.
THE Run for Fun event will be taking place on Saturday April 30 2022, at the University of Limerick.
Other sponsors of the event includes University of Limerick, Crescent Shopping Centre Limerick and Bon Secours Health System.
Register here: Run for Fun