A 14-year-old Limerick City schoolboy has been awarded €100,000 in a High Court settlement against the HSE for failure to detect a vision problem in health checks when he was young.
The court was told that the boy’s eyesight was checked by the HSE Community Child Health Services on two occasions between the ages of three and five but no defect was detected or action taken.
However when he was examined by an optician in March 2013, when he was over five-years-old, a severe visual deficit was found. He was referred to an ophthalmologist who found he had reduced visual acuity with long-sightedness which warranted immediate action.
The HSE admitted negligence and breach of duty in its delay in diagnosing and treating the eye condition from June 20, 2011, but denied all other claims.
It was claimed there was an alleged failure to afford a reasonable standard of care to the boy and a delay had been caused in the diagnosis of his condition.
It was further claimed there was a failure to have any appropriate regard for the concerns of his parents about his vision and a failure to identify the visual deficit.
Approving the settlement, Mr Justice Paul Coffey said he was delighted to see the boy made such progress in all aspects of his life, wishing him and his family the very best for the future.