LIMERICK singer/songwriter Chris Ward will release ‘Colder’ – the next single from his debut EP – on Friday February 25. www.chriswardmusic.net.
The track will be available on all streaming platforms (Spotify, Apple music, YouTube music etc) PRESAVE HERE
It’s also currently available for pre save or pre order on his website www.chriswardmusic.net.
Chris says that the song reflects on the breakdown of a loving relationship and was written when he was in a “very dark place.”
“It unapologetically describes the slow degradation of a once loving relationship. The stupid little arguments, the eye rolls and an unshakable feeling that person beside you isn’t the person you fell in love with. The heavily distorted guitars, deep bass line and soaring passionate vocals perfectly encapsulate the feelings of loss and give the listener insight into a difficult situation”
Chris was born and raised in Limerick. He was brought up in a home filled with music. “There was always something playing in the background, from the likes of Queen to Michael Jackson. My entire childhood felt as though it had a personal soundtrack created for it”
It was only a matter of time until he began writing the soundtrack himself.
He earned the cash for his debut recording by busking on O’Connell Street.
He achieved his goal and in 2019, stepped into Monique Studios owned and operated by acclaimed producer Christian Best to bring his music to life.
He earned a Level 5 qualification with distinction in Performing Arts and has shared stages with Declan O’Rourke, James OR, Dora Gola and Katie Gallagher. He has since got into music production and you can still catch him regularly busking in the city.
MusicLimerick – New Music Favourites is a Spotify playlist of some of the fine music being produced by Limerick artists over the last 12 months.
Follow the playlist HERE