BELLTABLE will host a performance experiment this Saturday February 26.
Best described as a very different and a quirky show, director Roisin Stack states,
“For people who don’t go to the theatre in search of a story but who enjoy a bit of chaos, a bit of provocation. We took a risk by making theatre in a way we never had before, so we hope that audiences will take a risk in coming to see it.”
The show is called ‘Also For Roaring’, a new experimental performance about sense and nonsense. After being postponed due to Covid restrictions, audiences will finally be able to enjoy this offbeat show which features performers Daniel Guinnane, Conor Kennedy-Burke and Johanne Webb who devised the project with director Róisín Stack.
“The project started when we came across a nonsensical Dadaist play called The Gas Heart,’ says Stack, ‘This spawned conversations around sense, nonsense and the structures of theatre itself. We realised that we wanted to make something that wasn’t concerned with story or resolution but with an overall concept that didn’t have to be logical or cohesive.’ The result is an hour-long contemplative yet comedic performance – a kaleidoscope of scenes on themes of sense, potential, order and disorder. ‘We started working on it three years ago with the support of an Arts Council grant but when we finished it in 2020 we noticed it was eerily fitting for the times we’re in; it features conversations about how things could be and what people could be doing, all the while doing very little – which felt familiar to us after a year in lockdown.”
The performance is very much in the world of the current internet age and draws on YouTube videos, TedX talks, artists such as Kenneth Goldsmith and absurdly mundane experiences from the lives of its creators.
Also For Roaring plays at Belltable this Saturday February 25 at 8pm
Tickets €18 / €16 Book now: https://limetreetheatre.ie