Seasonal Fisheries Officers being sought for Limerick

Inland Fisheries Officers on patrol

INLAND Fisheries Ireland has launched a recruitment drive to hire 49 Seasonal Fisheries Officers with two of the posts based in Limerick.

The Limerick recruits will work over the summer months to help protect, conserve and develop fisheries resources working in and around Ireland’s lakes, rivers and coastlines.

Candidates  are being sought for both protection and development roles to play a crucial part in the agency’s plans for 2022, according to its Chief Executive Officer, Francis O’ Donnell.

“Our new Seasonal Fisheries Officers will be joining us on the frontlines, helping to protect, maintain and conserve this country’s natural resources. Our teams undertake over 30,000 patrols around the clock every year, including patrols by foot, e-bike, vehicle and boat.


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“At the same time, our development teams ensure the sustainability of fisheries habitat, enabling access for this generation and for future generations,”Ms O’Donnell explained.

The agency plans to launch a second recruitment drive later in the year for Seasonal Research Assistants.

Those interested in applying for a six-month Seasonal Fisheries Officer role can apply on-line at, before the deadline of Monday, February 21.
