Barry to scale 26 peaks in aid of Limerick Suicide Watch

Barry Lenahan preparing for his 26 peaks challenge

BARRY Lenahan will climb 26 of the highest peaks in Ireland by the end of the year in aid of the Limerick Suicide Watch volunteer group. 

The Limerick man has set up a GoFundMe page to help reach his target of €5,000 which he will donate to the Suicide Watch which is currently looking for new volunteers and rely on donations to fund uniforms and flotation devices.

The group, which patrols the bridges and banks of the River Shannon in Limerick City offering help to those who are in need of it, is on the lookout of a new base and storage area, after they had to vacate their temporary base in St John’s Street.

”Suicide Watch is my chosen charity for my 26 peaks of Ireland challenge which I aim to complete by the end of 2022 at the latest,” Barry told the Limerick Post.

Operating seven days a week, the volunteers offer help those who are suicidal and need support. As part of their outreach programme, they visit schools, colleges and workplaces to promote positive mental health.


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The link to Barry’s GoFundMe page is: Fundraiser by Barry Lenahan : Climbing 26 Irish Highest Peaks for LSW (
