LEGENDARY Limerick producer, musician, scratch DJ Naive Ted is going in hard for his first show of 2022, in fact, four and a half hours hard on the decks and synths and anything else that can crack out a beat. The man behind the wrestling mask has been a formative and integral part of hip hop activity in Limerick from its earliest days giving young talent a voice through his workshops.
Not to be missed, leave your good shoes at home, this one’s for dancing.
Organisers say, “Ted is currently holed up under the stairs cooking up a special set largely comprised of influential music in the development of his sound. Expect crooked electronics, dusty aul rap, shrieking synthesisers, a few crackly old trad records, the brokest of breakbeats and, of course, some very fashy dancing tack.
He shall not be alone! The notorious Fixity is stopping off in Limerick for the night to add some real music to proceedings. He shall be joining Ted on drums and whatever instruments he can fit in his pocket for a 90 minute fully improvised performance to finish off the night.”
Naive Ted feat. Fixity this Friday February 11 at @Record Room/The Commercial, 9pm till late. www.thecommercial.pub for tickets.
MusicLimerick – New Music Favourites is a Spotify playlist of some of the fine music being produced by Limerick artists over the last 12 months.
Follow the playlist HERE