Fire safety issues at Limerick nursing home 

AN inspection of a Limerick nursing home highlighted issues with fire safety and ordered an urgent review of fire safety measures.

The unannounced inspection by the Health Information and Quality Authority (HIQA) last September also highlighted an issue with nursing staff.

In their report on the  Roseville nursing home in Ballysimon, HIQA inspectors said that the “oversight of fire management required review and urgent action,” and issued the nursing home with an urgent compliance letter.

“As no fire drills simulating night time scenarios had been  carried out, inspectors could not be assured that three night-time staff on duty for 33 residents could safely evacuate residents in the event of a fire or other emergency,”the report stated.


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Fire doors located in compartments and bedrooms also needed review and inspectors were not satisfied with their effectiveness in fire containment “which could result in uncontrolled smoke and fire spread.”

They found that the smoke brush seals had been painted over, rendering them inefficient at containing smoke.

The issue was flagged as urgent and a letter issued to the nursing home management.

Inspectors also found that there were “inadequate nursing management supports in place.

“The clinical nurse manager had recently vacated the post and this post was currently vacant. There were no formal arrangements in place for management of the centre in the absence of the person in charge.”

The home has agreed to address the issues raised.

Inspectors said they met and spoke with staff and residents.

“The overall feedback from residents was that staff were very kind, helpful and caring, that they were well looked after and that it was a nice place to live.”

