Visiting restrictions at Limerick hospital after Covid outbreak

University Hospital Limerick

VISITING restrictions have been imposed at University Hospital Limerick (UHL) following an outbreak of Covid-19.ย 

Three wards are currently affected by the outbreak and restrictions now apply to all inpatient wards as well as the emergency department, acute surgical assessment unit, and acute medical assessment unit.

A spokeswoman for the University of Limerick Hospital Group (ULHG) said that following a meeting of the hospital’s outbreak control team, hospital management imposed the restrictions in the interests of patient safety and keeping essential services open.

“We wish to reassure patients and their loved ones that all appropriate infection control precautions are being followed to minimise the risk of spreading infection among staff and patients within our health facilities, and also within the wider community”.


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The only exceptions to the visiting ban are for parents visiting children in hospital; people assisting confused patients as well as people visiting patients who are critically unwell or at end of life.ย All these exemptions are limited to one person per patient.

“We are also appealing to members of the public not to visit their relatives/loved ones outdoors on the grounds of the hospital as this can also present a Covid-19 transmission risk,” the spokeswoman added.
