The Irish Chamber Orchestra commence their concert tours for 2022 in February with the Austrian Violinist, Thomas Zehetmair performing a diverse programme featuring works by Mozart, Wilson & Bruckner. ICO perform a trio of concerts in Dublin, Limerick, and Cork on 1-3 February
Thomas has selected a 20-year-old Mozart’s celebratory Serenata Notturna which was written for an intimate nocturnal occasion. Anton Bruckner’s String Quintet in F major is a clever Romantic work, symphonic in scale but intimate in character, with the most beautiful Adagio at its heart.
This performance is a wonderful opportunity to watch the ICO perform Thomas Zehetmair’s own arrangement of this brilliant gem for string orchestra.
“The notion of immersion, of deep engagement with the music, runs like a thread through Zehetmair’s distinguished and unusually varied musical career as violinist, quartet leader, and conductor,” says Charlotte Eglington, Communications Manager at ICO.
He has long been recognised as one of the most gifted violinists of his generation. In addition to his increasing workload as conductor, he leads his own, world-renowned string quartet, famed for its ability to play complex programmes entirely from memory. Zehetmair has proved a natural fit for the Irish Chamber Orchestra as he champions the Austrian melodies of compatriots Mozart and Bruckner
The Irish Chamber Orchestra with Thomas Zehetmair perform on Wednesday February 2 at University Concert Hall. www.uch.ie for tickets.
MusicLimerick – New Music Favourites is a Spotify playlist of some of the fine music being produced by Limerick artists over the last 12 months.
Follow the playlist HERE