Care advice for people testing positive for Covid

Covid testing

The Department of Public Health Mid-West has offered specific care advice for people who test positive for Covid-19, particularly for those who are concerned about their symptoms or wellbeing.

While many people may experience mild illness, a department spokesman said that Covid itself is not a mild disease for everyone.

“It is important to acknowledge that those who do not require hospitalisation may still experience symptoms and illness, and may still have an uncomfortable experience with the illness for a number of days or weeks.

“Some may experience symptoms such as sore throat, headaches, fatigue and weakness, aches and pains, fever, loss of taste and smell as well as some breathing difficulties. Full recovery may take time, and some days may feel worse than others.


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“We urge people who are concerned about their symptoms or wellbeing to telephone their GP, including out-of-hours, in the first instance. GPs have played a pivotal role in this pandemic, and are best placed to assess and identify appropriate care needs for their patients. They will also assess whether you need to go to hospital or not.

“Key advice for those self-isolating and have been diagnosed with Covid include remaining isolated in a room, away from others in your household. Contact your GP if you feel your condition is getting worse. Drink plenty of fluids, eat well and engage in activities that may help you to relax. Speak to family and friends to stay connected during isolation

“Some people who catch Covid will have a more severe illness.  If your symptoms get worse and you feel very unwell, you may need to go to hospital. Emergency departments remain extremely busy with high attendances, and patients with less urgent injuries and conditions can expect long waits. Please only present to the emergency department if your GP has referred you, or if you are seriously injured or ill or are worried your life is at risk.

