Posterity Podcast: Sowing the seeds of tomorrow’s Limerick

LIMERICK Post Newspaper is delighted to welcome Nigel Dugdale, a proud Limerickman and self confessed, “curious/creative curmudgeon” to the newspaper’s podcast platform.
He has teamed up with The Limerick Post in association with Limerick City Community Radio to edit and produce The Posterity Podcast that will feature Nigel in conversation with a range of interesting guests who have something to contribute to a forward looking, livable, attractive and ambitious Limerick. The Podcast is sponsored by Limerick Post Business Club.
Explaining the origins of The Posterity Podcast, Nigel said.
“I hope this podcast will capture the voices of those who see Limerick as home. I hope to get an understanding of what makes them tick and to discover their hopes and dreams for Limerick at a time when so much opportunity is in our grasp.
“The official definition of posterity relates to all future generations of people. These people of the future could be your children, your grandchildren or great grandchildren, or any people born after you.
“So every decision we make today, be it by those in power, in business circles, or in community development will affect the lives of those coming behind us.”
Nigel will introduce the listeners to a diverse range of voices from across many sectors in Limerick society. Some you will know, others maybe not so much.
“This podcast will tell people’s stories, capture their voices for posterity and delve into the ideas, ambition and hopes that they have as we prepare for and sow the seeds for the Limerick of tomorrow.”

The first two episodes of The Posterity Podcast feature Professor Eoin Devereux and Ruth Ndlovu.

A Cultural Sociologist and a Creative Writer, Eoin teaches at the University of Limerick. He is also an Adjunct Professor in Contemporary Culture in the Department of Art, Music and Culture at the University of Jyvasklya, Finland.
In this podcast Eoin reflects on life growing up in Limerick, his passion for social inclusion and his hopes and dreams for Limerick’s future.

Ruth Ndlovu is the new Regional Development Officer for Sanctuary Runners in the Midwest region.
Ruth’s journey is a, “story of triumph over adversity and one that needs to be heard.”
“She talks about life in Irish Direct Provision, receiving a scholarship University of Limerick and finding friends through Sanctuary Runners.”
Ruth, a student of business studies, accounting and finance at the University of Limerick, has been a Sanctuary Runner since 2019 and a long-time advocate for people living in Direct Provision and access to opportunities, services and equality.

Nigel concludes, “I hope you join me on this journey. I hope you enjoy listening to the stories you hear and most of all, I hope some of what you hear will inspire you.”
Listen to The Posterity Podcast on our website, www. or directly on Spotify or wherever you get your podcasts. Do please rate and review the episodes.

If you have any suggestions for future guests, questions Nigel might ask or just general feedback on the show, you can connect Nigel Dugdale directly on Twitter: @limerickcitybiz


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