Limerick Garda sent forward for trial on 22 counts of perverting course of justice

The Limerick City Courts complex on Mulgrave Street.

A LIMERICK garda has been sent forward for trial on 22 counts of intending to pervert the course of justice by entering information into the Garda PULSE central database of recorded alleged crimes.

The case of DPP v Garda Thomas Flavin, (47) with an address in Shanagolden, Co Limerick, is due to be called at Limerick Circuit Court on December 6, in order to fix a date for trial.

Garda Flavin has yet to be arraigned on the charges.

At his arraignment hearing in the Circuit Court, Garda Flavin will be asked to enter a plea; If he pleads not guilty a date for a jury trial will be fixed, or, if he pleads guilty, evidence may be heard prior to a date being fixed for sentencing.


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The State’s case against Garda Flavin relates to him allegedly inputting information into the Garda PULSE system to pervert the course of justice in relation to potential prosecutions of named individuals.

In one of the charges, it is alleged that, on May 31, 2018 at Rathkeale Garda Station, Garda Flavin “entered or caused to be entered certain information on the Garda PULSE System, which was intended to pervert the course of justice in respect of the prosecution of a (named man) for the offence of driving without insurance”.

Another charge alleges that Garda Flavin did the same act in the same garda station, in respect of another named man, for the same offence, of driving without insurance, on August 7, 2017.

It’s emerged Garda Flavin was sent forward for trial on these charges at Newcastle West District Court on September 10 last.

It’s understood Garda Flavin will not be required to physically appear before Limerick Circuit Court on December 6, as the court as his case will only be mentioned in a call-over list to fix dates for trial.
