Limerick adults not getting access to insulin pumps

by Bernie English

[email protected]

ADULTS living with diabetes in Limerick are still not supplied with an insulin pump, which would make regulating their blood sugar levels much simpler, it has been revealed.

While some children have been able to avail of the pumps in recent years, the Midwest Diabetes Advocacy Group says there is still no such facility for adults under the care of medics here. Nor are there educational programmes set up around the disease.


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The group has put forward recommended actions to local TDs pointing out what can be done to reduce costly complications and treatments, which are largely preventable and could avoid costly and painful alternatives, including limb amputation.

Said Aisling White of the support group: “Insulin pumps as a treatment option for people with Type 1 diabetes have been available in Ireland since at least 2010 and available in the paediatric diabetes service in Limerick since 2014.

“Yet, Limerick Hospital Group still doesn’t provide it to adults with diabetes even though many of the paediatric patients have since transitioned into this service without the support of specialist trained staff in this therapy.”

She added that the the equipment has been “available as a standard treatment option in Ireland since at least 2010″.

The group is also concerned that UL Hospitals Group is the only hospital group not providing Structured Type 1 Diabetes Education for Adults (DAFNE- Dose Adjustment for Normal Eating), which has been available in Ireland in selected sites since 2010.

“In 2021 – there were five additional DAFNE centres added, bringing the national total to 12 centres, Ms White explained.

“This indicates that funding seems to have been provided to some hospital groups to set up DAFNE centres. UL Hospitals Group should be included in the continued planned rollout of this.”



