Ann & Steve Talk Stuff | Episode 52 | Limerick and its potential

Ann Blake and Stephen Kinsella talk stuff, in the fifth episode of this podcast, Ann and Steve talk about the 'Lemon Problem' and how our choices and knowledge impact the cost and value of items, and the impact that has on the economy. #KeepingLimerickPosted #AnnSteveTalk
Ann and Steve talk stuff

Limerick and its potential.

Ann and Steve discuss whether Limerick is reaching, or could ever, reach its potential. Between the curse of St. Munchin, poor short term planning and a plethora of committees, Limerick never quite seems to be what it could. Ann and Steve still love it though. Steve also raises a controversial option for renaming the city’s castle which Ann does not endorse.


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Ann Blake and Stephen Kinsella

Ann & Steve Talk Stuff |
An artist and an economist walk into a podcast to discuss odd things that make the world go round.
Out Fridays
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