As new Fuel Season begins, data shows 16,315 households across Limerick received payments last winter

A total of 16,315 households across Limerick received fuel allowance payments through the National Fuel Scheme last winter and will automatically receive payments again this year, beginning today, as long as their eligibility remains the same, the Fine Gael Senator has said.

Minister for Social Protection, Heather Humphreys TD, announced the start of the National Fuel Scheme for the 2021/2022 Season today Monday 27th September.

The Fuel Allowance, which is a means-assessed payment, will be paid for 28 weeks to an estimated 370,000 households across the country.

Senator Byrne said, โ€œI know that for the 16,315 households across Limerick that received the Fuel Allowance payment last year, this Scheme is key to supporting them meet their energy costs. Recipients are paid a weekly rate of โ‚ฌ28, with an option also to receive two lump sum payments of โ‚ฌ392 each.


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โ€œThe scheme plays a vital role in ensuring that families across Limerick have the security in knowing they will be able to pay their heating bills over the winter months. I know it will be especially important to people this year in the context of rising fuel costs globally, and I am encouraging my colleagues in Government to factor this into the upcoming Budget.

โ€œAll those who received the Fuel Allowance last year will be automatically be paid again this year, as long as their entitlement remains. I would really urge anyone who is in need of this scheme and has not applied previously to submit an application immediately. The Fuel Allowance application form is available through local Intreo Centres, Post Offices or on the Departmentโ€™s website,โ€ Senator Maria Byrne concluded.

Launching the 2021/2022 Fuel Season, Minister Humphreys said, โ€œIn recognition of the Schemeโ€™s importance to so many families, I increased the weekly rate of payment by โ‚ฌ3.50 in my first Budget as Social Protection Minister.

โ€œI am conscious that heating costs are a concern for many and that households have seen their bills increase and return to 2019 levels. I want to assure people that I am aware of these concerns and they will be an important factor for me as I continue the Budget 2022 negotiations, along with my Government colleagues.โ€
