Campaign against sharing of intimate images without consent welcome but educatonal programme also needed

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SEVEN months on since the commencement of his bill to tackle online harassment and harmful communications, Labour Party Justice spokesperson Brendan Howlin has welcomed the #NoExcuses campaign launched today to combat the illegal sharing of intimate images without consent and the reporting facility through

Deputy Howlin said:

“Laws can make a real difference to people’s lives, but they need enforcement and publicity, and the launch of a new campaign today against the illegal sharing of intimate images is very welcome. After many years of campaigning it’s great to see Coco’s law having a real world impact. So many families and parents like Jackie Fox worked so hard to make this a reality.

“I want to pay tribute today as well to Alexandra Ryan for sharing her story, and adding her voice to the campaign. The sharing of intimate images without consent is devastating for so many people. The reporting facility through is another vital support.

“This advocacy is essential to changing perceptions and tackling this terrible practice, and we now have a different legal framework modernised to ensure that there are sanctions available against those who cause harm online.

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“The internet is a public space and people should be as safe there as they would in a public playing field or on the public road.

“The reason this new awareness campaign is really important is that we need to ensure people know the law, but also know that there are supports in place, and help at hand.

“I also believe there is a requirement now for an educational programme, particularly among young people to understand that what happens online, often stays there forever, and that people need to have the same respect and regard for others online as they would in direct contact with one another and I would urge the Minister to pursue this.”
