O’Donovan: “€90,209 for Feenagh, Ballyorgan and Oola”

Limerick Fine Gael TD and Minister of State Patrick O'Donovan

LOCAL TD Minister for the Office of Public Works, Patrick O’Donovan has announced funding of €90,209 for three projects in Limerick under the CLÁR program. Projects in Feenagh, Ballyorgan and Oola are all to benefit under the latest round of funding which has been made available by Fine Gael Minister Heather Humphreys.


“This is great news for these three communities. In Feenagh there is just over €36,000 for a footpath and lighting to link the soccer club to the village. In Oola, the National School is getting an investment of €18,839 for  multi-sensory play area and in Ballyorgan the Coolfree Community Crèche and Afterschool Facility are getting an upgrading of footpaths, signage, road markings and lighting with an investment of €35,100.”



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Minister O’Donovan added “CLÁR funding has been a fantastic way to regenerate villages across Co. Limerick over the last number of years and I’ve been delighted as a Minister locally to be able to announce so much funding over the last number of years to these rural areas. This time it’s the turn of these three communities and I know from speaking to Heather Humphreys that she is anxious that more money like this will be allocated shortly to more communities across Co. Limerick.”


Patrick O’Donovan said “During the lockdown I worked with a number of communities virtually and met them online and now as things are opening up I am back meeting them in person, discussing opportunities for funding with Government Departments and seeing how they can get access to funds like other villages and small towns have already have. I’m encouraging community groups and voluntary organisations to get in touch and to talk about their ideas and to see where we can go with them, and by working together to see how we can make our towns and villages here in Limerick better places to live and work in.”
