WITH primary and secondary schools across the country currently opening their doors for the commencement of 2021 / 2022 school year, a recent survey undertaken by My Nametags(https://www.mynametags.ie/) has revealed that according to their parents 70% of Irish children enjoy and appreciate their traditional school life more now than they did pre-pandemic and lockdowns.
The survey confirmed that the prolonged lockdowns and home schooling had quite a negative impact on students across the country with over 77% of parents reporting that their child (ren) struggled to maintain connections with their school friends during the lockdowns and 69% of parents revealing that the lockdowns had a negative impact on their child’s education and development.
However, it seems that Irish children are also quite resilient with 87% of parents stating that their children adapted quite easily to the ‘new normal’ when they returned to the classroom post lockdown earlier this year.
The survey also revealed some other positive findings including;
– Over 25% of children are looking forward to the new school year more than usual
– When asked what their children’s most prominent feelings were in relation to their return to school for the new school year, 45% of parents revealed that their children were excited and happy and 31% reporting their children were enthusiastic
– When asked if the Covid-19 pandemic had more of a positive or negative overall impact on their child (ren) and their outlook on life, 35% reported that overall, it had a somewhat positive impact
In relation to being more cautious when it comes to their children returning to the classroom, just over 77% of parents said that they are now more conscious of labelling all of their child’s belongings ahead of the new school year.
Speaking about the survey findings, Lars B. Andersen, Founder and Managing Director, My Nametags, commented, “We all know that the pandemic had a major impact on us all and especially on our children. However, the findings show many positives also with parents reporting that children are appreciating their school life more and that many are more excited and happier to be returning to the classroom than ever before.
It is important that children across all ages continue to exercise some caution especially when it comes to their belongings and keeping them separate from their peers. Our personalised labels are antibacterial and ideal for ensuring that everyone can identify their own belongings easily and quickly. All the team at My Nametags would like to wish students across the country that are returning to the classroom in the coming days the very best for their upcoming school year.”
For more information or to design your set of personalised labels or stickers for the new school term log onto My Nametags (https://www.mynametags.ie/)