New music from Limerick producer Headgear features Pat Shortt on saxophone

LIMERICK composer/producer Daragh Dukes is releasing new music as Headgear.

The musician has a long history in Limrock, from the early days with They Do It With Mirrors (Setanta Records) to Headgear and Asylum Speakers on the Martha Dig Music label. He also produced โ€˜Sinners and Lost Soulsโ€™, the critically acclaimed sophomore album from Sons of Southern Ulster and was part of the team that created the recent RTE Radio One documentary Digging For Fire, a memoir of his time in Limerick and London with They Do It With Mirrors.

Under the moniker Headgear, Daragh will release a series of tracks in the coming months starting with Omphalos Pt. 1.
The track is a re-work of a former project that the producer shelved.
โ€œI completely melted my head back in 2018 working and overworking the Asylum Speakers tracks and ended up deleting the rest of the album I was working on for my own sanity.
Last year I started the album again with my Headgear attitude on and it’s been a way
easier and just flowed.”

Omphalos Pt. 1 features Pat Shortt on saxophone and is available to buy and stream


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