International lawyers to challenge Irish government on torture

closeup photo of gavel
Photo by Bill Oxford on Unsplash

OSGUR Breatnach has engaged top international human rights lawyers KRW LAW to represent his legal claims for an impartial public inquiry into the 45-year cover-up of his kidnaping, torture and framing, and that of others, in the notorious Sallins Case.

KRW-LAW have been cited by the world renowned guide to the legal profession, Chambers and Partners, who identify the worldโ€™s top lawyers in 175 countries and ranked in their top band.

KRW LAW LLP (KRW) have been instructed in some of the most significant and high profile cases in Ireland such as the Hooded Men, Ballymurphy Massacre, Birmingham Bombing families, Dana defamation cases, forced adoptions in the Mother and Baby controversies and other legacy issues.

They are also involved in human rights cases across the globe, assisting the Indian Sikh Federation to obtain an inquiry into the June 1984 Massacre of Sikhs at The Golden Temple Amritsar and have advised the Scottish lawyers of Abdelbaset Ali Mohmed Al Megrahi, the Libyan convicted for involvement in the Lockerbie Bombings, and also to the English lawyers of the family of Madeleine McCann.


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Osgur Breatnach has asked the lawyers to prepare submissions to be brought to the Irish Government, the European Court of Human Rights and the United Nations. Each submissions is expected to run to well over 100 pages.

At present, the United Nations Committee Against Torture (UNCAT) is evaluating Irelandโ€™s adherence to international law in relation to torture. It does so to all signatories of the Convention, every four years. An important element of the UN Convention Against Torture, which Ireland signed in 2002, is the requirement to hold an impartial inquiry following allegations of torture, something the Irish government have steadilyย refused to do for 45 years.
